Monday, March 27, 2017

Enjoying Jesus: week 4

 We come to the transition section in Mark this week where Jesus goes from focusing on the crowds to focusing on the disciples. This is the week we read Jesus say, "Who do you say that I am?" This is a famous passage and is actually part of a larger context of chapters 8-10. Three times (once in each chapter), Jesus declares what is going to happen to Him - suffering, death, resurrection. We read the first of these declarations today in chapter 8. This is a difficult truth for the disciples to hear, because they are still seeing Jesus only as a Messiah that would come to be glorified and reign - they did not yet see or understand that Jesus had to suffer and die first. Things in the kingdom of God are topsy-turvy - to be exalted, one must be humbled; to be first, one must be last; to be glorified, one must suffer. Jesus said in Mark 10:45 that He came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom.

The story before Peter's confession of the blind man seems on first glance to be randomly placed, but read this miracle as a tangible example of Jesus showing His disciples that only He can help them see spiritually.

The climax of this passage (this includes a narrative and discourse) is the question: who do you say that I am? Again, this is the one question we must all answer - ask your children, who do you say Jesus is? Do you believe in Jesus? He came to suffer, to die, and to be resurrected.

A simple outline for this passage would be - physical sight restored, spiritual sight revealed, and what seeing spiritually means. Or said in a different way -  a right view/vision of Jesus leads us to a right view/vision of discipleship.

As always, it's a good thing to read these passages out loud to your children. Let them touch the pages of the Bible and hear Its words spoken. 

Week 4 readings

Feel free to divide up as you need. You can read the Bible all in one sitting, or you can divide it up for your children by reading one snippet at a time.

You will be covering three chapters in Habits of Grace this week

Habits of Grace: pp. 117-137
Mark 7:1-9:1

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