Thursday, December 29, 2022

Day 30: The Suffering Servant


We break promises, so God keeps his. We run from God, so he comes to us.
We suffer for sin, so the Savior suffers for us.
 (BP - 107)

Day 29: Jesus fulfills the promises


The man now saw who Jesus really was, and he believed (BP - 334)

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Day 28: Christ, our Lamb


Christmas Song: O Hearken Ye

Hymn: Holy Spirit

The Big Picture Story Bible God's Promised One is Followed (271-285)
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Heaven breaks through  (200-207)
The Ology: Jesus Sends His Disciples on a Mission  (127-129)

     God used an unlikely person who stank and who had weird eating habits to prepare the way for Jesus. Isn't that one of God's amazing and gracious patterns throughout history? - using unlikely people for His big rescue, promise-keeping plan.

     God used John to fulfill yet another prophecy - a promise. John gave the Gospel in a nutshell when He said: "behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world." We see Jesus declared as the lamb to rescue us and take our place, just like that lamb took Isaac's place many hundreds of years earlier. God was and is and will always keep His promise to rescue His people.

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • Here is a text that fits well for today's reading.
  • We chose to make an ornament that was a bug, because John ate locusts and honey. My kids think this is hilarious, and it is what helps them remember the story. So there you have it. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Day 27: God Leads us


This child was a new kind of king. This King hadn't come to be the boss. He had come to be a servant (JSB - 198)

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Day 26: A Light to light the whole world


This baby would be like that bright star shining in the sky that night. A Light to light up the whole world. Chasing away darkness. Helping people to see. And the darker the night got, the brighter the star would shine. (BP - 190)