Sunday, April 2, 2017

Enjoying Jesus: Week 5

We are still in the center section of Mark which is a turning point. We see Jesus purposefully moving towards the cross. We read two more times of Jesus letting His disciples know who He is and what He has come to accomplish. The key verse for the book is Mark 10:45. This would be a good one to memorize with your children.

As always, it's a good thing to read these passages out loud to your children. Let them touch the pages of the Bible and hear Its words spoken. 

Week 5 readings

Divide up as you need. You can read the Bible all in one sitting, or you can divide it up for your children by reading one snippet at a time.

You will be covering three chapters in Habits of Grace this week

Habits of Grace: pp. 145-172

Mark 9:2-10:52

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