Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 6 readings

Week 6 Readings

    Week 6! Only a few days to finish up these readings before Sunday when Passion/Holy week begins. Our garden is now full of the little plants that we have watch grow from seed. 

Here is the breakdown for the resources for week 6 (March 16-19)

Days 37-40

The OlogyThe Ology of End Times
   1. The Return of Christ (202)
   2. A Very Different Day for All God's Children (210)
   3. The Special Place Where God Lives with His People (217)
   4. The Final Wedding (221)

The Discipline of Grace 
  11. The Discipline of Choices (187)
  12. The Discipline of Watching (209)
  13. The Discipline of Adversity (227)

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life 
 10. Silence and Solitude (181)
 11. Journaling (205)

Big Truths for Young Hearts: What Will Take Place in the End
   1.Knowing the Future Helps in the Present (214)
   2. The Promise-Keeping God and the Salvation of Israel (220)
   3. Jesus Will Come Again (224)
   4. God's Greatness and Glory Shown Forever and Ever (231)

Thoughts to make your Heart Sing - 1 or 2 a day and read the verse that corresponds

Exploring Grace Together - take one devotional each day and read the verses. Should be finishing this one up. 

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