Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week 4 Readings

Week 4 Readings

    Week 4 already! Only 19 more days until Passion Week.

Here is the breakdown for the resources for week 4 (March 2-9)

Week /Days 22-28

The OlogyThe Ology of Christ/The Ology of the Holy Spirit/The Ology of Change
   1. Jesus' Resurrection Defeated Death (120)
   2. We are Safely Hidden in Christ (124)
   3. Jesus Sends His Disciples on a Mission (127)`
   4. Jesus Promised to Send the Holy Spirit (133)
   5. The Spirit Arrives on Pentecost (134)
   6. The Holy Spirit: God's Best Gift (137)
   7. Sin Isn't in Charge Anymore (167)

The Discipline of Grace - roughly 2 chapters each week or 6 pages a day. 
  Chapter 7 - Obeying the Great Commandment (113-128)
  Chapter 8 - Dependent Discipline (129-146)

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life 
  Chapter 7 - Serving (115-130)

Big Truths for Young Hearts: Who Jesus Is/The Work That Jesus Has Done
   1. Jesus Lived in the Power of the Spirit (113)
   2. Jesus Resisted Temptation, Living a Sinless Life (117)
   3. What Christians of the Early Church Came to Believe about Christ (120)
   4. Jesus' Death Shows God's Justice and His Mercy toward Our Sin (126)
   5. Jesus Paid the Full Penalty for Sin (129)
   6. Jesus' Resurrection: The Proof That Christ's Death for Sin Worked (135)
   7. Jesus is King over All (139)

Thoughts to make your Heart Sing - 1 or 2 a day and read the verse that corresponds

Exploring Grace Together - take one devotional each day and read the verses.

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