Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Day 22 - The sixth sign: Lord, I Believe!

     Today is one of my favorite miracles and is frequently read in our home. I think one of the reasons I love it so much is because of the way it is told/written to include a great miracle (the 6th sign), comedy, and controversy. Jesus is "in trouble" because He performed this sign on the Sabbath. The Jewish leaders show their unwavering foolishness by clearly not believing in the miracle or Jesus (verse 27).  We read of the fear of the man's parents to believe (which is quite comical around verse 20-21). And we see Jesus, the giver of sight and the One Who gives light to this man and comes to care for him when he is cast out. One of the many other reasons I love this story is that faithfulness and grace of God are showcased beautifully.

     In the latter half of the chapter, we read of the man's unswerving answer that only God could have given him sight. He joins the witness of many others in this Gospel who declare that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

     Every day after we read our text in John, I say to each of my children, "Jesus is the Son of God. Do you believe?" I give them each an opportunity to answer. It is a beautiful thing to watch the Word of God work in the hearts of your children as God begins to open their eyes so that they can see and believe! Be faithful in teaching them who Jesus is!

     The word "blind" is mentioned 13 times in this chapter. Obviously, this is an emphasis of the chapter. Jesus is more concerned with our spiritual sight than our physical sight. Talk to your children about how we cannot even see how bad our sin is without Jesus and the Holy Spirit helping us.

  • Reading: John 9:1-41
  • Memory passage: John 1:1-14 
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Memory Verse: John 9:3
  • Songs: Amazing Grace or Be Thou My Vision
  • Activity: Add the blind man to the board of people who believe. My children like to act out this story ( I think it's the mud that excites them! ). An interesting activity for older children would be trace "blindness" throughout the Bible.
  • Meditation: Psalm 146:1-10 (see also Isaiah 35:5; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Exodus 4:11)

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