Thursday, March 3, 2016

Day 23 - I AM the Good Shepherd

     The Good Shepherd Discourse - Jesus is again declaring who He is. This is yet another I AM statement. We read that Jesus is a Good Shepherd, which is in stark contrast to the religious leaders or bad shepherds of the day (you know, the ones who just kicked the man out of the temple). This discourse is rooted in an ancient literary genre called pastoral literature - where the characters are shepherds and take on characteristics of shepherds. When Jesus describes the Good Shepherd, we know that He is speaking autobiographically. An emphasis of this passage is Jesus laying down His life for the sheep. He mentions this repeatedly. The climax of the passage is in 18 where Jesus teaches that He has the power not only to lay His life down for the sheep, but also has the power to take up His life again. His authority comes from the Father.

     At the end of the passage, we read of two groups of people: those who reject what Jesus is saying and those who believe.

  • Reading: John 10:1-21
  • Memory passage: John 1:1-14 
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Memory Verse: John 10:11
  • Songs: Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
  • Activity: There is a great story in the Jesus Storybook Bible on Psalm 23. We will talk about sheep today and perhaps do a craft and talk about how we are like sheep and need the Good Shepherd. 
  • Meditation: Psalm 23:1-6

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