Sunday, March 13, 2016

Day 33 - Promised opposition. A Sure Helper.

     The section of John 15:18-16:15 is more of Jesus' farewell statements to His disciples. Jesus declares that when He leaves the world, the world will hate His disciples as the world hated Him -the opposition they will suffer in 15:18-16:3 - and then Jesus talks more about His successor, the Holy Spirit - the Helper that will come in 16:4-15.

     The motifs of the world, Jesus and the Father, Truth,  is prominent today.

  • Reading: John 15:18-16:15
  • Memory passage: John 14:1-6
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Memory verse: John 16:1
  • Song: Spirit of Heaven
  • Activity: Today, we will practice being helpers to each member of our family. Then, we will talk about how God's Spirit brings us new life and has come to help us be more like Jesus. We may even play out a scenario where mommy leaves and goes to the kitchen and someone else (Daddy) has to help the baby. Obviously, that is by no means a perfect way to act out what the Holy Spirit does in our lives, but it gives my children something they can understand that Jesus sent someone else to help us! 
  • Meditation: 1 John 1-4 Go through and underline all the times you see "world," or you can pick a chapter in the book of Acts and trace the Holy Spirit through it. 

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