Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day 4 - Come and See

     As we saw two scenes unfold yesterday with John the baptist, today, we will read of two more scenes where Jesus calls some followers. It might be helpful to underline or make a list of all the people so far who have confessed that Jesus is the Christ, Son of God. 
  • First, we saw John (the author) writing this truth
  • Then we heard John the Baptist confess this truth yesterday. 
  • Today, we will hear John the Baptist reaffirm what he said yesterday 
  • AND now, others will join in declaring Jesus to be the Messiah, God's Son: 
    • Andrew told Peter (v. 41) that they had found the Messiah 
    • Philip told Nathanael (v. 45) that Jesus was the long awaited One of whom Moses and the prophets spoke. 
     Also, take note that in both scenes, "come and see" is stated too (always look for repeated phrases as you read). Jesus is going to show them that He is the Son of God. God has always proven Himself to be Who He says He is. He cannot lie. He is always true. I also find the little snippet conversation between Nathanael and Jesus quite funny. You can almost hear Jesus chuckling as He says - you think you know me now and believe? Just wait until I really show you! So we see our theme of belief and that Jesus is the Son of God repeating over and over again already in the characters that have been introduced. We have seen what these witnesses John has called to the stand are declaring to us about Jesus. They believe He is the Christ. What about us? Do we believe Jesus is Who He says He is? Regardless of what we may think, He is the Christ, the Son of God! Will you believe in Him and declare Who He is?
  • Reading: John 1:35-51
  • Memory passage: John 1:1-14
  • Memory verse: John 1:36 "Behold the Lamb of God."
  • Song for the week: In Christ Alone
  • Activity: My children and I are writing down a list of the characters who are believing in Jesus as the Son of God. We are also drawing their picture (in felt - cutting them out) and putting them up on the wall so they can see and remember the witnesses we have that declare to us that Jesus is the Christ, the Son and Lamb of God.
  • Meditation: see this hymn text for meditation today

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