Sunday, April 9, 2017

Enjoying Jesus: week 6

This week, we read of Jesus coming completely His journey to the cross. You may want to divide up readings for each day. Again, it is interesting to read larger sections together because you begin to see patterns and themes in Mark's Gospel. Jesus has told His disciples openly 3 times about his upcoming suffering, death, and resurrection. Jesus has will show us His complete faithfulness in the garden and journey to the cross while we see Peter's utter lack of faithfulness. One of the themes in Mark is the idea of discipleship failure. This is depressing to think about, because we all know that we are just like Peter - but how wonderful to dwell on the fact that Jesus is the faithful Savior! We are unfaithful, and this is why we need Him! Speak to your children this week about your failings to obey the law of God ... about your sin. Show them that you need the faithfulness of Jesus.

You will also read the Roman centurion declare that Christ is the Son of God, you will read of many prophecies perfectly fulfilled, and you will see many literary devices used (the Mark sandwich). It's always good to keep the bigger picture in mind - remembering that Mark's purpose was for us to see who Jesus is.

 If you have not asked this question of your children yet, this week would be a good week to do so: who do you say that Jesus is?

This is our last week for this season, but continue reading with your children!

Week 6 readings

Habits of Grace: pp. 173-196

Mark 11 - Monday
Mark 12 - Tuesday
Mark 13 - Wednesday
Mark 14 - Thursday
Mark 15 - Friday
 Saturday no reading
Mark 16 - Sunday

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