Sunday, March 19, 2017

Enjoying Jesus: week 3

    We have read several parables in Mark's Gospel and are now moving into miracles. It is helpful when reading a miracle story to find these things:

  • the need that is established
  • the seeking of Jesus' help
  • the faith displayed by the recipient of the miracle (or friends or family)
  • the miracle itself
  • response of character to the miracle or to Jesus

If you are trying to discern the main point of the miracle, it might be helpful to draw a plot arc. Here is one below that shows the different parts of a plot. 

When you move to chapter 6 in Mark, a good question to ask as you read is: what do I know about Jesus on the basis of this chapter?

As always, it's a good thing to read these passages out loud to your children. Let them touch the pages of the Bible and hear Its words spoken. 

Week 2 readings

Feel free to divide up as you need. You can read the Bible all in one sitting, or you can divide it up for your children by reading one snippet at a time. 

Habits of Grace: pp. 93-116
Mark 5:1-6:56

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