Sunday, March 12, 2017

Enjoying Jesus: week 2

    One thing I am doing with my children is helping them see that everything Mark is writing points to a specific purpose. We are underlining repeated words and phrases so that my children can look at the Bible and see themes jumping off the page in color. We are keeping names written down on our chalkboard with pictures of the people who believe and profess Jesus as the Christ.

    You have already read many conflict stories and seen three main groups of characters: the disciples, the religious leaders, and the crowds. We also see individuals interacting with Jesus. Within each story, we can clearly see that Jesus is showing who He is. And we also read of the responses of the groups of characters to this truth. There is one question that rises to the highest level of importance in each of these stories for each character: who do you say that Jesus is?

The question is the same for us today as it was for the characters of the past. Who do you say that Jesus is? 

Week 2 readings

Feel free to divide up as you need. You can read the Bible all in one sitting, or you can divide it up for your children by reading one snippet at a time. 

Habits of Grace: pp. 55-92 
Mark: 3:1-4:41

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