Friday, March 18, 2016

Day 38 - The Day that Death Won...or did it?

     John does not record the events of the crucifixion in strict chronology but in snapshots (something we've seen throughout this Gospel).  John chose to record the following events:

1. Summary of crucifixion (17-18)
2. Inscription Pilate had placed over Jesus on the cross (19-22)
3. Parceling out of Jesus' clothes among soldiers who crucified Him (23-24)
4. Jesus' words to His mother and John (25-27)
5. Jesus' final words from the cross (28-30)
6. Actions of soldiers whose task was to ensure death by sundown (31-37)
7. Burying of Jesus (38-42)

     Things to look for: specific things that happened to Jesus; words Jesus uttered from the cross and the deeper meanings; cast of characters present at crucifixion and their implied stories; responses of onlookers to Jesus; evidences of John's concern that we interpret the events as the fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecy. There are so many things fulfilled today. You could spend a lot of time looking up those passages to meditate on. God always keeps His word!

     Verse 35 is another beautiful purpose statement in this Gospel to make note of. We see so many characters today - even Nicodemus appears again which brings up the question of his belief?

     One of my favorite stories in the Jesus Storybook Bible says this about the today's reading:

     "Tears rolled down Jesus' face. The face of the One who would wipe away every tear from every eye. Even though it was midday, a dreadful darkness covered the face of the world. The sun could not shine. The earth trembled and quaked. The great mountains shook. Rocks split in two. Until it seemed that the whole world would break. That creation itself would tear apart. The full force of the storm of God's fierce anger at sin was coming down. On his own Son. Instead of his people. It was the only way God could destroy sin, and not destroy his children whose hearts were filled with sin. Then Jesus shouted out in a loud voice, ' It is finished!' And it was. He had done it. Jesus had rescued the whole world. 'Father!' Jesus cried. ' I give you my life.' And with a great sigh he let himself die."

     He has done it! Jesus has rescued us. On this, the saddest of all days, let us remember that it is also the most wonderful of days!

  • Reading: John 19:17-42
  • Memory passage: John 14:1-6
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Memory verse: John 19:30
  • Songs for meditation: His Robes for Mine and Behold our God
  • Activity: Make a list of all the people at the crucifixion. For younger children, perhaps have them draw a picture of all the people. My children enjoyed painting/coloring what they thought the sky looked like and the earth (as it shook).  
  • Meditation: Isaiah 53:1-12
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