Monday, February 15, 2016

Day 6 - Jesus is better!

     So far, Jesus has primarily been seen as a private figure. Today, we read of Him in a very public situation. This is not one of Jesus' signs, but is like a sign in that it is symbolic in nature. Jesus is God's special place. He is better than all the temples built by Solomon, the Israelites, and Herod. An excellent children's story to read is in The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm. My kids love this story. Helm really grasps the heart of this passage. People also asked Jesus for a sign that He had authority to cleanse the temple. Jesus answered with the greatest sign of all - that He would die and rise again. 

     In verse 17 and 22, we read about the disciples connecting the dots from the Old Testament about who Jesus is. They continue to grow in their belief of Him. In verse 23, we see that many are believing in His name (remember the theme verse for this Gospel - these things I have written that you might believe and have life in His name).

  • Reading: John 2:13-25
  • Memory passage: John 1:1-14
  • Song for the week: In Christ Alone
  • Activity: We will add many figures to our felt board today under those who believe in the name of Jesus. 
  • Meditation: Hebrews 10:1-25
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