Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Day 22 Just a little town called Bethlehem


God told Mary and Joseph that their baby was the one promised long ago. He would rescue God's people (Big Picture 249)

Ornament: Olive wood (or nativity)

Scripture Readings:
Genesis 35:19
1 Samuel 16:1,18
Luke 2:4
Micah 5:2

Verse: Micah 5:2

Christmas Song: O Little Town of Bethlehem

Hymn: I will Stand on Every Promise of Your Word

  • The Big Picture Story Bible: God's Promised One is Born (244-249)
  • The Ology: Faith (152-155)

     Most children know that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem in a stable, but not many - if any - children's Bibles focus on the prophecy from the Old Testament. Prophecy is very important to teach to our children. Prophecy from the Old Testament is such a great way to teach children (and to remind ourselves) that God keeps His promises. One thing that is good to take time to do is to show your children how prophecies are fulfilled - specifically how they are fulfilled in Jesus. Take them to specific verses and read them the verses. Have them look at and point to the words. Believing and trusting in God's promises are so important. Let our moments and days be filled with these good words to our children: God always keeps His promises. He did; He does; He will!

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • We are only reading part of The Big Picture Story Bible today.
  • You may have noticed the tune for O Little Town of Bethlehem is different than you normally sing. I have shared with you my favorite tune - who can go wrong with Vaughn Williams?!
  • Today's hymn talks about God's promises always being sure. If He kept His promise about Jesus being born in Bethlehem, how much more will He keep other promises to us?
  • Here is a Gospel hymn that is not familiar to a lot in my generation 
  • It is interesting to go back and see how Bethlehem plays an important part in all of God's people's history. Make sure you read the Scripture today. 

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