Sunday, October 18, 2020

Reformation Celebration week 3: Solus Christus

Week 4 - Solus Christus

Solus Christus (“Christ alone”): Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King. This one is fairly clear. Jesus + anything else = not the Gospel. Jesus + NOTHING = the Gospel. Only Christ is our Savior and Rock. Only Christ was fully God and fully man. Only Christ was fully qualified to die for our sins once and for. Only Christ was fully willing to be the ultimate sacrifice. Christ did what we could not. In Christ alone our hope is found. He is our surety and our anchor. It is NOT our faith that saves us, but the object of our faith - Christ alone saving us!

Here are some song suggestions for you:
  • In Christ Alone - this is probably the best hymn I could recommend for you to teach your children this week. 
  • The Solid Rock - this is a great one that we have already learned this year. Maybe take this opportunity to review and even teach another stanza to your children. 
Don't forget to keep reviewing Psalm 130, if you read it out loud every day 2-3 times, you should have it memorized by the end of the month!

 Every evening, we are singing A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Martin Luther). It is our goal that our children (even our two year old) will be able to sing all four stanzas by Reformation Day at the end of the month.  Even if you don't have children, commit to singing this text every day. It will be good for your soul.  I hope you will do this challenge along with us! We will post a video of us singing together on Reformation Day. I'd love to see our feeds full of this wonderful text!

Resource Corner

Here is a great book for children. It can be read a page at a time for younger children. Beautifully illustrated and written. These would make great Christmas gifts if you are looking for solid books for your family or grandchildren. It is great to have books like this to learn about maybe some of the "lesser" knowns of the reformation. John Owen is a great man to read about if you know little about him. He may not have been in the reformation, but He held fast to Scripture, faith, grace, Christ, and God's glory. 

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