Sunday, October 11, 2020

Reformation Celebration: Week 2


Week 2 - Sola Fide

Sola Fide - what do we mean? Faith brings justification and good works rather than faith and good works bringing justification (see the entirety of Galatians). It is of utmost importance that when we read the Bible to our children, we do not merely tell them to have faith and be like Abraham or like any of those mentioned in the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11).  What we SHOULD focus on is that God is the only truly faithful and trustworthy One. Faith should always lead us to the One who is perfectly faithful and trustworthy. Faith is NOT about us "doing doing doing." We all know that we "can't can't can't." Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves. My faith is not my own but was purchased at the cross. Faith is a wonderful gift from God. You cannot give your children faith, but you can help to give them a structure and foundation for which God can build.  You CAN create an environment of faith and give them the language of faith and show them what faith looks like. A good story to read to them this week would be of when God told Abraham to count the stars - Abraham did and he believed God's promise and it was counted to him as righteousness. Abraham believed because God was trustworthy. This is why we believe too. It is not because of our faith, but because of God's worthiness. If this doesn't make you want to sing, I don't know what will! 

This week, here are some song suggestions for you:

By Faith (Getty) - this is one of my favorites, and we sing this every day after Bible story. The chorus is perfect for children: "We will stand as children of the promise. We will fix our eyes on Him our soul's reward - till the race is finished and the work is done: we walk by faith and not by sight." One of the things I love about this text is that the Getty's go through all of Scripture and tell stories of faith through poetry.
My Faith has Found a Resting Place - This hymn is a great way to teach your children what the Gospel clearly is.
My Faith Looks up to Thee is a beautiful hymn to meditate on if you are not familiar with it.
You can also review How Firm a Foundation from last week. 

Resource Corner

Here is a great book for children. It can be read a page at a time for younger children. Beautifully illustrated and written. These would make great Christmas gifts if you are looking for solid books for your family or grandchildren. It is great to have books like this to learn about maybe some of the "lesser" knowns of the reformation. John Knox is one of my favorites. There are many biographies you can find on him if you don't know much about him. 

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