Friday, April 10, 2020

We Wait with Hope


     Jesus' followers waited fearfully in a room not knowing what would happen next... or should I say, not remembering what would happen next. Jesus had told them again and again that He was life and that He would rise from the dead, but they waited in the quiet, hidden place. Had they only remembered what Jesus had said to them in John 14!

     How often I am like this. I wait in fear...hiding...forgetting the promises of God - that He will always provide...that He will always be faithful, and then I am surprised when He does what He says He will do. Today, in the midst of COVID-19, in the midst of fear and unknowns, in the midst of loss and death, in the midst of a fallen world, wait with hope.  God will always keep His Word and His promises. Sunday is coming!

     There is a short meditation for today to remember how God has dealt with our sins, and there are some Bible story readings which are excellent. This year, God has given us all some time to sit and remember. So take use that time to sit and wait and remember that Jesus died ...

     Jesus died...not to make your family pretty and put together on the outside... not to make my life comfortable in the way I think it should be. Jesus died to make you clean and beautiful and perfect on the inside: the very righteousness of God! Take time to remember and give thanks with your family today as we anxiously await tomorrow morning!


  • Meditation: Psalm 103:1-22
  • The Biggest Story: Chapter 8-9 (99-118)
  • The Big Picture Story Bible: Jesus' followers are in the dark (375-381)
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Songs for meditation: What wondrous love is this
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