Thursday, December 13, 2018

Day 14: The promise of a Savior and King

God always wins His battles - JSB 126

Read: David and Goliath

Big Picture Story Bible: Going into God's Place (158-166))
Jesus Storybook Bible: The Young Hero and the Horrible Giant (122-129)
The Biggest Story: Chapter 6 (80-85)
The Ology: The Holy Spirit Helps Us Fight Against Sin (175)

Sing:  Once in Royal David's City
 A Mighty Fortress is our God

Think: 1 Samuel 17:47 "For the battle is the Lord's ..."
Pray: Thank God that He has sent someone even better than David to save us and to be an Everlasting King.
Do: Sling and stone
For You
1 Samuel 17:1-58;
2 Samuel 7:1-29;
Revelation 22:16

 David and Goliath - one of the most beloved stories in the Bible. Children love exciting battles. If you were to drop over to my house on any given day, you would probably find us playing "David and Goliath" (my three year old's scheme to be allowed to throw something inside the house!). Thankfully, we switch roles, so I don't always have to be Goliath (whew!!!). Some of my dearest memories these past few months have been hearing my son's voice as he plays the character of David, "I come to you in the name of the Lord. God always wins His battles!" This is followed by mommy falling over after being hit by a pom-pom in the head. Giggles ensue, and he begs to play the battle scene just one more time. The challenge for me is to teach him that this story is more than a game, more than a sling and stones, more than a giant. The truth within this story is that God is the hero - as He always is for His people. This is a story of God defending His Word and rescuing His people. God does always win His battles. His Word is powerful. His Word is strong. Only God can rescue. Only God can save.

God's chosen king, David, came forward as God's instrument to rescue God's people ... when no one else would. But this was only a beautiful foreshadowing of a glorious day to come: God's chosen True Forever King would come forward as God's instrument to rescue His people ... when no one else could. The Israelites needed saving on that day with the Philistines, but even more, we need saving from our sinful hearts. God sent a rescuer, David, to save His people - but David couldn't always save God's people. Eventually, David would do some horrible things and would die. Jesus is better than David. Jesus is our perfect Savior and Everlasting King!

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • For the ornament, we just went out and found a stick and put a rubber band on it. Simple and fun! 

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