Friday, November 30, 2018

God Always Keeps His Promises

When I googled the phrase "promises made; promises kept," picture after picture of politicians came up. How crazy is that? I think we can all agree that earthly politicians/leaders are not promise keepers. Even if they did keep some promises, they are not good promise keepers, much less perfect promise keepers. Our communities, cities, states, countries...the whole world longs to have leaders that will keep their word. But there is only One who keeps all His promises.

Many of you know that every day I tell my children, "God always keeps His promises." This is something we say and sing. If my children forget everything else, I want them to remember that God always keeps His promises. For children, this may seem too easy and simple to believe. As we grow older, we begin to see how we are tempted to doubt the promises of God. So, as I tell my children this truth, I am also reminding myself that God keeps His promises.

This month,

when you don't get that job you want - remember - God ALWAYS keeps His promises
when you don't get the diagnosis you want - remember - God ALWAYS keeps His promises
when your children don't behave the way you want - remember - God ALWAYS keeps His promises
when your church brings disappointment - remember - God ALWAYS keeps His promises
when you are struggling with your spouse - remember - God ALWAYS keeps His promises

This list could go on and on ... but God's promises outlast any list. No matter how long our list of disappointments and trials, God's promises are stronger, and He is faithful to them.

God has given us promises in the past, present, and future. As we look back on the Advent of the past, we remember His promises to His people. As we celebrate remembering that past Advent in the present, we take joy in the promises He has given us, His church. And as we long for the final Advent in the future, we continue to hope in His promises - knowing that He will keep them and we will be with Him forever!

 I hope you will come along with me on this 31 day journey as we read each day of God's promises - how He gives them AND how He keeps them. One of our Bible story books states that "Jesus is the YES! and AMEN! to all of God's promises."

Happy Advent Season!

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