Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 30 - The One with the Dirtiest Towel

     We are going to start reading longer passages each day as we move through the rest of the Gospel. I will break up some of the readings by reading some at breakfast and lunch and our regular Bible story time and then review at bedtime.

     John spends 5 entire chapters on the narrative/story of what Jesus said and did in the upper room.  Chapter 13 is mainly narrative and dialogue. The next four chapters will be Jesus speaking and praying. Below is the skeletal structure of this narrative in chapter 13.

Jesus defies convention by condescending to wash the disciples' feet (1-11)
Jesus commands that what He has done is an example of servanthood that the disciples must imitate (12-17)
Jesus predicts Judas' betrayal, and the disciples respond (18-30)
Jesus predicts His departure from this life and commands the disciples love one another (31-35)
Jesus predicts Peter's denial (36-38)

     Every detail is important, so if you have the opportunity, you might want to read the passage several times throughout the day. We continue to see (among the disciples) the themes of acceptance and rejection, belief and unbelief.

  • Reading: John 13:1-38
  • Memory passage: John 14:1-6
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Memory verse: John 13:34-35
  • Song: The Servant King and The Servant Song
  • Activity: We will wash one another's feet today and also sit down and talk about how each of us can serve one another. I will have my older two children pick one way they can serve each member of our family today. 
  • Meditation: Philippians 2:1-18
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