Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Day 29 - Believe in Him while there is still Light!

     We are taking a fairly large chunk of Scripture today. If you are concerned that it might be too long for your littles, I would split it up into 2 sections (27-43, 44-50). I often will read a few verses at different points of the day - meals, or while the children are playing. These verses are Jesus' final public statements and very different from the previous section. This particular section gives us (in the words of Ryken) impressionistic snapshots of all the busy events of Jesus' last days. All of these snapshots are, of course, intermingled with narrative. Christ talks of His atoning work (32-33, 47). In between Jesus' statements about Himself, we continue to see the ever-present conflict of belief and disbelief.

     There are some very sad verses today - 37 and 42-43. Make sure you continue to talk to your children about the Truth and belief in the Truth.

     Some of our other words we continue to trace throughout John's Gospel appear here: truly or truth, eternal life, Son of Man, Jesus' relationship to the Father, Light, Darkness, belief, and unbelief.

  • Reading: John 12:20-50
  • Memory passage: John 14:1-6
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Memory verse: John 12:36
  • Song: Depth of Mercy - see here for Wesley's text
  • Activity: Add more to those who believe and those who do not believe. You could talk about light and review what we did for "Jesus is the Light of the world" day.
  • Meditation: Isaiah 53:1; Isaiah 6:10
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