Sunday, November 26, 2017

Singing through the Hymnal: week 48

I think it's only fitting that we move from songs of Thanksgiving to a song of testimony. I've known this hymn for as long as I can remember, although it is (sadly) not as widely sung anymore. One thing I love is that Fanny Crosby writes in the text "visions of rapture no burst on my sight...and... "watching and waiting, looking above." Fanny was blind - how wonderful that her faith became sight! If someone who could not even see the beautiful creation God made could praise Him so, how much more should we who can see?! We read about Fanny a few weeks ago, so this week should be somewhat of a review. 

  This is our last "normal" singing through the hymnal week. Next week kicks of Advent. We are almost there! This is a great hymn to teach children. Fanny's writing style is easily memorized. You can start with the chorus if you just want to teach your children part of it. 

Verse: Hebrews 10:22

                                                                  Fun Facts

Text: Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915)
  • blind from infancy
  • befriended by a wealthy woman name Phoebe Knapp - one day she took Fanny to her music room and played a new tune she had written for Fanny
  • Fanny clapped her hands upon hearing the tune and cried, "Why, that says 'Blessed Assurance!'" At that moment, she began to write the hymn

Tune: Phoebe P. Knapp (1839-1908), ASSURANCE
  • Raised in a home of Methodist evangelists
  • Married Joseph Knapp who was founder and second president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
  • She kept a large pipe organ in her apartment!
  • She wrote over 500 hymn tunes! 
  • This tune, ASSURANCE, is her most well known tune. 

To Think About....
  • This is Fanny's testimony. Is it yours too? 
  • God assures us of His salvation through His Word and by the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. If you are one to struggle with assurance of salvation, this is a great hymn for you! 
  • notice beautiful phrases: heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of His spirit, washed in His blood
  • We, like Fanny (when she wrote this) must use our spiritual eyes to be watching and waiting for Christ.

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