Sunday, November 12, 2017

Singing through the Hymnal: week 46!

Verse: Hebrews 4:15-16
Hymn: Before the Throne of God Above

                  We are singing one of the most famous modern hymns this week other than In Christ Alone. This text is full of the Gospel. It has no chorus, so just start with the first stanza when teaching it to your children. One helpful thing for children is the repeated phrase at the end of each stanza, so that could be a good place to begin too. Read them the stanza and then ask them if they know who the words are describing. Define terms for them like: what does it mean to plead? or what does bid or thence mean? This is a great hymn to sing after talking so much about the reformation because we can approach the throne of grace directly because of what Christ has done of the cross for us. We need not go through another mediator (or priest). Christ is fully sufficient! One of the things I love about this text is that it is one of the few texts that actually declares Christ to be Savior AND God. It is so important that we are continuing to teach children these biblical truths. Use every opportunity you can to teach them through song!

                 I wanted to share a sweet moment I had with my little 4 year old today that will hopefully encourage you to keep on singing! My children will participate in the singing most days at home, but some days, they don't...and I sometimes wonder if anything is sinking in and if I am doing all this for nothing. So today, I realized that things were sinking in much more than I thought. I usually prepare my children for church each week by getting the list of songs early so that we can know at least one song or parts of several songs to have ownership in the service. But today, we were visiting my parents' church, and I didn't look at the bulletin early. When this happens, I often pray that God will give my children something that they know and recognize and can actively participate in. One of the songs was Great is Thy Faithfulness (which we have done this year). I figured that my sweet little girl would just simply recognize the chorus and sing along. When the introduction started, she climbed up on the pew and put her arm around me just beaming and said, "mommy, I know this one." Then, she proceeded to sing every. single. word. Head pointed up (like in Charlie Brown), face radiating, and eyes sparkling. It was a really sweet moment that I hope I will never forget - what a treasure to be able to stand next to my daughter with our arms around each other singing about the faithfulness of God. When the chorus would come,  she would look at me and I at her, and our smiles would grow bigger and our voices louder as we affirmed such a wonderful truth...together. What a gift! We don't sing alone! It was enough to make it hard for me to continue singing and get the words out. What a marvelous thing?! A little 4 year old encouraged me to sing more to my faithful God. She helped and encouraged me. She may not understand everything, but she sang with all her heart today and that was a moment that was worth all the singing this year. So keep singing. These words are sinking into their minds and hearts. You are building a structure for their faith and are hopefully strengthening your faith too.

                                                                  Fun Facts

Text: Charlitie Lees Bancroft (1841-1923)
  • born near Dublin, Ireland to a minister and his wife
  • wrote many poems that were published in "Within the Veil" 

Tune: Vikki Cook (b. 1960-)
  • this text was found by Vikki Cook and she wrote the tune in 1997
  • she has co-written many songs with her husband Steve Cook and Sovereign Grace
  • she directs school choirs, teaches piano, and teaches voice
To Think About....
  • this is a great hymn to help you explain the Gospel to your children
  • thence is an old English word that means "from that place." From that place (the throne of God), not even Satan can condemn us. 
  • You can sing these words, not because you are so good, but because Jesus Christ is so good.

Just a preview of songs for the week of Thanksgiving if you want to start looking them up and singing them.

  • Now Thank We all Our God
  • Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
  • For the Beauty of the Earth
  • Let all Things Now Living
  • My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness
  • We Gather Together

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

Advent Resource Corner

Here is a resource that I just got from my mom that I am really excited about. I will be coming out with another post this week on Advent preparations, since it is quickly coming upon us. If you have never anticipated Christmas by celebrated Advent with your family, I highly recommend doing it! 

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