Sunday, July 23, 2017

Singing through the Hymnal: week 30

Verse: Isaiah 66:12-13
Hymn: Like a River Glorious

    The chorus of this hymn is wonderful for children to learn. God is not only our Protector, but He is also the Keeper of promises. It is important that we teach our children how God keeps His promises of giving us peace and rest now, but even more, it is important for our children to know that perfect peace and rest is coming because of Jesus' work on the cross. This is my mom's favorite hymn. Every time I sing it, I also think of her and her love for singing Truth and teaching children. This week is for you Mom. Love you, and I hope I can teach my children the same Truths as faithfully as you taught me!

                                                                  Fun Facts

Text: Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879)
  • Fanny's father was a pastor and hymn writer
  • She was not strong physically, but wrote poetry and memorized Scripture. She also knew Greek, Hebrew, and other languages.
  • When Fanny became very ill, she wrote "Like a River Glorious." When she was told by her doctor that she would not live much longer she declared, "that is too good to be true." Truly she knew that being in the presence of God was her perfect peace and rest. 
Tune: James Mountain (1844-1933) WYE VALLEY
  • This tune was written specifically for this hymn. 
  • The Wye Valley is a beautiful piece of land between Wales and England (pictured below)
  • The hymn was published in Hymns for Consecration and Faith in 1876

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

    Things to think about ...
    • Picture a large river. It is powerful, yet quiet. Unrelenting, yet peaceful. This is how God is at work in our lives. 
    • The first stanza talks of God's peace while 2 and 3 introduce all kinds of worries. Only God's peace can stabilize us during difficult times and hardships. Talk to your children about difficulties they face (even if they seem small to you). It is important that they learn that Jehovah is our only help and hope! The same God who sent His Son to die for you in your greatest difficulty of all - sin - can certainly be trusted to help and keep you with difficulties you face each day.
    • Have your children memorize Isaiah 26:3 and John 14:27. 

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