Sunday, January 15, 2017

Singing through the hymnal: Week 3

Verse:  2 Corinthians 13:14
Activity: Trinity Craft   *there are so many things that you can find to do on Pinterest. Check there for ideas.

This is our last week focusing on the Trinity. Next week, we will transition over to God as King. 

This week, I will be working on the first stanza with my children. It is really important for teaching your children about the doctrine of the Trinity to sing all the stanzas of this hymn to them throughout the week. 

The first stanza says:

Come, Thou Almighty King,
help us Thy name to sing,
help us to praise:
Father, all glorious, o'er all victorious,
come and reign over us, Ancient of Days

I know a lot of people don't think hymns are applicable or connect with them personally. I wanted to share how this hymn has been a help to me even today as I sing the words. Since I last posted, a dear friend has died of cancer and is now with her Almighty King. I am so incredibly joyful for her (and a bit jealous), but so sad for the family left behind. On days like today, it is so difficult to sing... but I do know that God keeps His promises and has promised to come again for us. The title of this hymn is my prayer. As I sing the first stanza, my heart cries out for help to sing praise to His name and for Him to come and reign over us for ever. 

Singing is so important on the good days... and the dark days. I am so thankful that I have these truths in my heart and mind that my mother sang with me as a child. So when the darkness comes, I can cry out in song in praise and prayer to our Almighty King. His Word is sure. He will never change. He will come for us. Because of Jesus' death and resurrection we have hope! Come Lord Jesus, come. 

Fun Facts

Text: Anonymous

  • Many believe this text was written by Charles Wesley as his response to the British hymn ("God Save Our Gracious King") that God is our one and true King.
Tune: ITALIAN HYMN Felice de Giardini (1716-1796)

  • this may be a little more difficult for you to learn if you have not grown up singing it. Each phrase is different melodically, but don't give up! Keep at it.  

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

    Things to think about ...
    •       I love this hymn because it focuses on a different Person on the Trinity for each stanza. The first is God the Father. The Second focuses on God the Son (the Word). The third focuses on God the Holy Spirit, and the fourth is a summation. 
    • It is always important to sing all the stanzas - it would be like only listening to part of a symphony or reading one chapter of a book or looking at one small corner of a painting. You can't really understand what the entire hymn is talking about if you don't fully read and sing it. A lot of hymn writers are telling a story, and if you leave out a stanza, you will miss something important. 
    In Addition
         Here is a link to a wonderful hymn and text to work on with your family. With a lot of these hymns, you can work on phrases that repeat such as the chorus with this one. 

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