Thursday, December 1, 2016

2017 Day 1: The Fullness of God - Creation

"Whatever happened, whatever it cost Him, He would always love them." (JSB 27)

Ornament: Earth

Scripture Readings:
Gen 1
John 1:1-14
Col 1:15-20

Genesis 1:1
John 1:1

Fullness of Grace

Fullness of Grace in man's human frailty, This is the wonder of Jesus.
Laying aside His power and glory, Humbly He entered our world.
Chose the path of meanest worth: Scandal of a virgin birth.
Born in a stable, cold and rejected: Here lies the hope of the world.

Fullness of grace, the love of the Father, Shown in the face of Jesus.
Stooping to bear the weight of humanity, Walking the Calvary road.
Christ the holy Innocent, Took our sin and punishment.
Fullness of God, despised and rejected: Crushed for the sins of the world.

Fullness of hope in Christ we had longed for, Promise of God in Jesus.
Through His obedience we are forgiven, Opening the floodgates of heaven.
All our hopes and dreams we bring, Gladly as an offering.
Fullness of life and joy unspeakable: God's gift in love to the world.

Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend

Christmas Song: Joy Has Dawned

Jesus Storybook Bible: The Beginning (18-27)

Big Picture Story Bible: The Very Good Beginning (15-35)

The Ology: God Created Everything out of Nothing at All (18-21)

I have a confession to make. With a newly turned 5 year old, a 3 year old, a 1 year old, and a 4 week old, I decided to keep things a bit more simple this year. One of the reasons I have documented what we do is so that when I am in the trenches of a busy season of life, I can still have access to teaching tools at my fingertips. So, please forgive that not a lot new will be said this year. This year, I have chosen to focus on the Fullness of Jesus - celebrating His full story from Genesis to Revelation. In my personal study, I am going through the book of John, and I have been marveling at the fullness of Jesus in Him becoming flesh and coming down to dwell among us. Come along with me as I remember the wonder of Jesus this advent season.

I love to garden, yes, even the process of gardening.  I have always loved choosing and ordering the seeds. Days go by as I impatiently await their arrival in the mail and then carefully read the instructions for each cute little bag.  I do the yucky weeding.  I get blisters on my hands and dirt on my face and stains on my clothes and bugs in my hair (ewww!).  Some seeds are planted indoors and others are planted directly in the ground.  I water and wait ... and wait ... at last! The seeds sprout! I water, weed, and watch with joy as my plants grow.  As Advent begins, I am faced with a choice - an opportunity to plant the seeds of the Greatest Story within the hearts and minds of my children.  They are never too young and are never too old to hear this story. I cannot make my children believe this wonderful story, but I can sow the seeds.  I can show them how the greatest of all stories has rescued me and is changing me. And I don't even have to get bugs in my hair!  There are other verses, songs, and stories that could be included, but hopefully, this will be a place to make it easier to be a faithful planter of the seed of the Best Story ever told and to see the fullness of Jesus.
  • Be purposeful - plan to do this every day. For my family, this means we read and talk during meals, because they are my captive audience (haha!) at the table. 
  • Be creative - ornaments don't have to be pretty, and it's a good thing! Have you seen mine?? I am NOT crafty at all. Use whatever you have to make ornaments, or go buy some, or look at pictures of some. Have fun using whatever you can find to reiterate the message, especially for the young ones. Have them touch things that remind them of the story and will help their young minds remember what they have heard. 
  • Be available - ask questions of your children and let them ask questions. Talk to them as you walk, eat, sit, and play. Be diligent.
  • Be faithful - Be faithful. Period. I have to remind myself that knowledge of God is the best gift I could ever give my children ... or anyone for that matter. 
  • Be prayerful - do not forget the power of prayer. Even 31 days can grow tiresome and make you weary. Pray that God would help you to be faithful, and pray that the seeds of the Gospel would take root in the hearts of your children.
 In my study of John, I have been thinking about the similarities of Genesis 1 and John 1. God spoke a word, and the world was created. In John 1, God sent The Word to us. A new kind of beginning - God has come to us. Celebrate this today! The beginning of December is here already,  and there is no better place to begin the Advent season than in Genesis 1 with the best of beginnings.

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