Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 Day 30: The Suffering Servant

We break promises, so God keeps his. We run from God, so he comes to us.
We suffer for sin, so the Savior suffers for us.
 (BP - 107)
Ornament: Cross or crown of Thorns

Scripture Readings:
Isaiah 53:1-12
Mark 10:45
Philippians 2:1-11

Verse:  Mark 10:45

Christmas Song: O Sing a Song of Bethlehem

Hymn: Hallelujah, What a Savior!

The Big Picture Story Bible: Jesus Wears God's Kingly Crown and
  Jesus' Followers are in the Dark (359-381)
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Operation "No More Tears" and The Servant King  (214-221)
The Biggest Story: Chapter 8 (100-107)
The Ology: Jesus Died in Our Place (116-119)
The Gospel Story Bible: The Crucifixion & the Criminals (230-231)

     There is so much that could be said and should be said about Jesus. He did so many miracles and taught so much, but I chose to focus today on His suffering as a Servant to include some of the most wonderful passages in Scripture. God's plan was so different and so surprising than anything we could ever imagine. He healed dirty outcasts. He ate with sinners. His followers were men of no importance. He suffered for us, when we should have suffered. He kept His promises to us, even though we broke every law. God would do whatever it took to rescue His people. This is GRACE in all its fullness.

      "The biggest surprise to everyone was that the Chosen One of God was chosen by God to die. It just didn't seem right that the One destined to crush the Serpent would be crushed himself...[it was] the worst thing that's ever happened in the world. But it was also the best thing that's ever happened in the world...We break promises, so God keeps his. We run from God, so he comes to us. We suffer for sin, so the Savior suffers for us. Our story is the story of God doing what we can't, in order to make up for us doing what we shouldn't." (The Biggest Story pp. 104-107)

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • You can read some additional stories or substitute a story in the Jesus Storybook Bible today: A Dark Night in the Garden and The Sun Stops Shining.
  • The Biggest Story is so good in today's reading. Make sure you don't miss it, and if you don't have the book, order it. :)  
  • Here are a couple of good songs to teach your family that talk about Jesus as a Servant: The Servant King and The Servant Song
  • Here are some songs on the cross: Beneath the Cross (GettyIndelible Grace), What Wondrous Love is ThisWhen I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Resource Corner

Tomorrow, I will be posting a few resources I will be going through with my children this winter/spring, as well as the verses I will be memorizing with them this year. I will also be posting a link to a pdf for going through a hymnal with children and some ideas on how to choose songs to correspond with Bible stories. 

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