Sunday, December 25, 2016

2016 Day 25: Jesus is Born! God has come!

Sin and the serpent seemed to be winning. Until...all of a sudden, they lost (Biggest Story - 96)

Ornament: Manger

Scripture Readings:
Isaiah 7:10-14
Luke 2:1-20
Verse:  Luke 2:11

Christmas Song: What Child is This?

Hymn: Rejoice the Lord is King

The Big Picture: God's Promised One is Born (243-257)
The Jesus Storybook Bible:  He's here! (176-182)
The Biggest Story: Chapter 7 (90-97)
The Ology: The Son of God Comes Down to Earth (95-97)
The Gospel Story Bible: The Birth of Jesus (160-161)

     Advent is about God's people waiting and anticipating the coming of a Rescuer and Savior. God's people waited a long time. Some of those years, God seemed silent. BUT God always keeps His promises. Advent is about us remembering that God always keeps His promises. He always has, and He always will. We were born into sin. We could not save ourselves and longed for God to step in and help us, and He has! Today is the day! Our Rescuer, the Snake Crusher, has been born! Good Christian men (and women and children) rejoice! Christ is born today! Christ is born today!! Now we need not fear the grave! Matthew 1:21 tells us that Jesus would be born to save His people from sin. Share that with your children today.

     This isn't the end of the story. Jesus didn't stay a baby. He would grow up and death and sin would lose. And now, we, like God's people of old, await the promise of God. We await with hope that Jesus will come back. He will be our light. We wait, knowing God will do what He said He will do. Even though it may seem that God is silent, He will keep His promise to His people. Let us remember now to wait with joy for Jesus. Merry Christmas!

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • Thought this was a fun idea for next year.
  • Growing up, one of our favorite things to do as a family was to recite the Christmas story and pray together on Christmas morning. Now, all the grandchildren recite it together as they are able. 

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