Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 5 Readings

Week 5 Readings

    Week 5! Only 12 more days until Passion Week.

Here is the breakdown for the resources for week 5 (March 10-17)

Week /Days 29-36

The OlogyThe Ology of Change/The Ology of End Times
   1. Set Apart, Holy for God (168)
   2. We Grow a Little at a Time (171)
   3. Put off the Old, Put on the New (172)
   4. The Holy Spirit Helps Us Fight Against Sin (175)
   5. The Fruit of the Spirit (176)
   6. Running the Race to the End (179)
   7. A Picture of the Future (201)

The Discipline of Grace - roughly 2 chapters each week or 6 pages a day. 
  Chapter 9 - The Discipline of Commitment (147-164)
  Chapter10 - The Discipline of Convictions (165-186)

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life 
  Chapter 8 - Stewardship (131)
  Chapter 9 - Fasting (159)

Big Truths for Young Hearts: The Work That Jesus Has Done/Our Great Salvation
   1. But is Jesus Really the only Savior? (142)
   2. God's Kindness and Wisdom in Choosing Some to Save (170)
   3. Sirs, What Must I Do to Be Saved? (173)
   4. Declared Right in God's Eyes When We Believe (176)
   5. Made More Like Christ through All of Our Lives (180)
   6. Saved by Good Works? No - Saved for Good Works? Yes (183)
   7. But Must People Know about and Believe in Christ to Be Saved? (187)

Thoughts to make your Heart Sing - 1 or 2 a day and read the verse that corresponds

Exploring Grace Together - take one devotional each day and read the verses.

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