Saturday, March 5, 2016

Day 25 - God's perfect way in God's perfect timing.

     You've had 25 days to work on the verses John 1:1-14 with your children. Keep reviewing them if you need, but I am going to take those verses off and add some new ones today. There is so much of John that is important to memorize, so it can be difficult to choose!

The story we begin today belongs to a biblical genre called "death-rebirth story." This is the last of the 7 great signs. The story unfolds before us in the following manner (some overlap). Clearly, Jesus (who He is and what He can do) is at the center of this story. John is painting us a masterpiece today of who Jesus is. The brush strokes are brilliant and powerful. Jesus is man - with every emotion. Jesus is God - with all power and authority.
  • Jesus told of Lazarus' illness - prologue (1-14)
  • Jesus delays, journeys to Bethany (5-16)
  • Jesus has a discourse with Martha in which she see who Jesus really is (17-27)
  • Jesus shares in Mary's grief (28-37)
  • Jesus raises Lazarus from death to life with the power of HIs word (38-44)
  • Leaders react (of course) negatively (45-54)
     I am splitting this up to spend more time on the story. If you want to read it all in one sitting, that is also fine. We read today that God doesn't do things the way we might or work on our time table, but we read in the Bible that God's way is perfect. His ways are just and merciful and true. Jesus even gave a spoiler alert in our reading today: this is for the glory of God and for the Son of God may be glorified through it (4). It's hard to trust when we think we know better. It's difficult to believe God's ways are best. BUT He is always right and always true. The meditation for today may be helpful in thinking on the ways of God.

  • Reading: John 11:1-16
  • Memory passage: John 14:1-6
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Memory Verse: Psalm 18:30  "This God - His way is perfect."
  • Song: Help My Unbelief or Rescue the Perishing
  • Activity: It's a short reading today. Maybe print out a coloring page or act out the story with your children.
  • Meditation: Psalm 18:1-50

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