Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 2 Readings

Week 2 Readings

     How are we doing? Hope you are hanging in there!

Here is the breakdown for the resources for week 2 (February 17-23)

Week 2/Days 8-14

The OlogyThe Ology of Sin/The Ology of the Promise and the Law
   1. God's Promise of Salvation (65)
   2. God Makes a Promise (73)
   3. God Keeps His Promise (74-77)
   4. The Ten Commandments of God (78-81)
   5. Breaking One Law Breaks the Whole Law (82-84)
   6. God's Holiness Cannot Be in the Same Place as Sin (85-88)
   7. God Gave a Way to Cover Sin (89)

The Discipline of Grace - roughly 2 chapters each week or 6 pages a day. 
  Chapter 3 - Preach the Gospel to Yourself (45-60)
  Chapter 2 - We Died to Sin (61-78)

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life 
  Chapter 4 - Prayer (65-84)

Big Truths for Young Hearts: Creator and Ruler of All/ Our Human Nature and Our Sin
   1. God Rules the World He Has Made (63)
   2. God Provides All Good Things in the World (66)
   3. God Controls All Bad Things in the World (70)
   4. Our Responsibility in the World God Controls (73)
   5. Pain and Suffering in the World God Controls (77)
   6. Men and Women, Boy and Girls - God's Masterpieces (81)
   7. What it Means to Be Made in God's Image (85)

Thoughts to make your Heart Sing - 1 or 2 a day and read the verse that corresponds

Exploring Grace Together - take one devotional each day and read the verses.

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