Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 1 Readings

Here is the breakdown for the resources for week 1 (February 10-16)

Week 1/Days1-7

The Ology: The Ology of Sin
   1. Sin (43-48)
   2. Satan's First Temptation (49-52)
   3. Sin Entered the World Through Adam (53-56)
   4. Sin Separates us from God and from Each Other (57-60)
   5. Sin Always Brings Judgment (61-64)
   6. God Sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden (66-68)
   7. Sin Spreads like a Disease (69-70)

The Discipline of Grace - roughly 2 chapters each week or 6 pages a day. 
  Chapter 1 - How Good is Good Enough? (11-28)
  Chapter 2 - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (29-44)

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life 
  Chapter 1 - The Spiritual Disciplines...
                    For the Purpose of Godliness (15-26)

Big Truths for Young Hearts: God's Word and God's Own Life as God
   1. God has made Himself known (18-20)
   2. God Talks - The Bible is God's True and Lasting Word (21-23)
   3. God is God apart from us (24-26)
   4. God is God with Us (27-29)
   5. Some Truths about God's Richness that make Him God (30-32)
   6. Some Truths about God's Kindness that make Him God (33-36)
   7. Who Made the World? (60-62)

Thoughts to make your Heart Sing - 1 or 2 a day and read the verse that corresponds

Exploring Grace Together - take one devotional each day and read the verses.

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