Sunday, February 28, 2016

Day 19 - A strong and perfect plea

     You may notice that your version of the Gospel of John marks this section with brackets. I have included below something from R.C. Sproul on the subject that may answer some questions for you. I have chosen to include this here today because it has been included in the ESV that I am using, but I think it is important to understand why it is bracketed. Make sure you look at the text for the song for today and the meditation. It fits well with the story. Jesus has made an end to our sin! God is satisfied to look on Jesus - and to pardon me.  My sin is only as permanent as the sand ... God's grace has come to wipe them away. Hallelujah!

     "The text that is perhaps the most interesting in this whole story is the one before us in this chapter. Frankly, the best manuscripts from antiquity do not include this story in the Gospel of John. The overwhelming consensus of textual critics is that it was not part of the original Gospel of John, at least not this portion of John. At the same time, the overwhelming consensus is that this account is authentic, it's apostolic, and it should be contained in any edition of the New Testament. Whether it belongs here in John's Gospel, in Luke's Gospel (where some ancient manuscripts place it), or somewhere else is a question I leave for the ages. But I believe it is nothing less than the very Word of God, so I will treat it as such in this chapter." - Sproul

     This story shows the conflict between Jesus and the Jewish leaders through story and conversation. There is no singular line or thought that really sticks out in chapter 8 except for the person and work of Jesus. Below are some motifs to look for:
  • Jesus as a controversialist who stands up to those who are hostile to Him and the Truth.
  • Evidences that Jesus is Divine.
  • Story line of hostility between the religious leaders and Jesus.
  • Jesus' teaching about sin and forgiveness.
  • Authority of Jesus

     The skeletal structure of the text is as follows for the chapter:

Jesus cleverly defeats His enemies when defending the woman caught in adultery (1-11)
Altercation about the legitimacy of Jesus' claims about Himself (12-20)
Jesus warns against unbelief and speaks of Himself as the Father's appointed teacher (21-30)
Controversy between Jesus and the religious leaders with a focus on Abraham (31-59)

  • Reading: John 7:53-8:11 
  • Memory passage: John 1:1-14 
  • Memory passage: Matthew 28:1-10 - I am going to begin reviewing the Resurrection passage with my children. We learned the story from Matthew, but you could also work any of the other Gospels. 
  • Songs: Before the Throne of God Above
  • Activity: Going to have a sand activity today and write some sins down in the sand and then wipe them completely away. We will talk about how Jesus wipes our sins away, and we are clothed in righteousness.
  • Meditation: Romans 8:31-39; Isaiah 53:1-6

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