Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Day 14 - Two more Signs

     In our reading today, we have two signs (miracles) grouped together. The fourth sign in John's Gospel is the feeding of the five thousand and is obviously witnessed by many. The fifth sign, Jesus' walking on the water, is only witnessed by the disciples. Ryken tells us that both of these signs show us who Jesus is. Just as Jesus provides physical food for the crowd, He also provides for His people spiritually. He is the Great Provider. And Jesus' walking on the water shows His deity, for only God could do that.

     In verse 14, we read about the "people" declaring Jesus to be who He says He is. In fact, The people were so convinced that the disciples had to pull Jesus away lest the crowd come and make Him King at that very moment. That always makes me laugh because I see this in my own life - there are times I am spiritually so excited and engaged and want to make Jesus my King. But the reality is that Jesus is the King whether I declare Him to be or not - whether I make Him Ruler in my life or not. I cannot make Jesus King, because He already is!

  • Reading: John 6:1-21
  • Memory passage: John 1:1-14
  • Songs: I Sing the Mighty Power of God (we will sing this one frequently)
  • Activity: Add loaves and fishes to the signs that Jesus has performed. Add a boat to the board or a picture of water to remember Jesus walking on the water. 
  • Meditation: Psalm 34:1-22
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