Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 16 - Elijah ... a Greater Prophet is coming

God hears. God answers. God has power. God provides.

                   Ornament:   altar

Scripture Readings:
1 Kings 18:1-46
Malachi 4:5-6
Matthew 17:1-13

Verse:  1 Kings 18:39b "The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!"

Christmas Song: Angels from the Realms of Glory

Hymn:  I Sing the Mighty Power of God

The Big Picture Story Bible: Another very sad day (187-197)
The Ology: Jesus Is Completely God (112-115)

  Like all the Biblical characters we have seen so far, Elijah had some rough moments, but he also had some great moments of faith. Elijah is mentioned many times in the Old and New Testaments as being a forerunner of Jesus. Today's story on the mountain is an exciting scene.

God hears. God answers. God has power. God provides. When things are going well or when things are going terribly, God hears. God answers. God has power. God provides. When your house doesn't sell, when your child doesn't obey, when you lose the baby you so longed for, when you fight with your spouse, when politics in your country is a mess, when you lose your job: God hears. God answers. God has power. God provides. Maybe not in the ways we would choose, but He does - He always does. So we see again today, God is the hero of the story. And one day (many years later), God would show His provision and power through the sacrifice of His own Son, Jesus.

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • Some books we love are from an organization called Matthias Media. We love these children's books from them, especially this one. It does a really good job at explaining God's sovereignty in a way children can understand. 
  • I love how the Big Picture Story Bible does a parallel to Jesus with the art and words in the story of Lazarus. Make sure you check that out (348-355)

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