Friday, December 16, 2022

Day 17: God's Promise Remains


Even though God's people were far from home, God still spoke to them (BP 213)

 Ornament:   Scroll

Scripture Readings:
2 Kings 22:1-23:3
Revelation 5:1-14
Revelation 22:18-19

Verse: Hebrews 4:12

Christmas SongIn the Bleak Midwinter
Hymn:  O Word of God Incarnate

  • The Big Picture Story Bible: God's Promise Remains (211-219)
  • The Ology:  The Word of God Lives Forever (236-237)

  God's promise remains. David Helm (author of the Big Picture Story Bible) was right on with this chapter heading for the children's reading for today. What comfort and hope this has brought to God's people throughout the ages - no matter how we act, no matter how many times we fail, no matter what happens - God's promise remains: the promise of a Rescuer. What an amazing thing that those promises are written down for us in God's Word! We change, but God's Word never changes. All other things pass away, but God's Word abides forever (Isaiah 40:8).

  Of all the heirlooms, legacies, or gifts you could ever give to your children and grandchildren, giving them God's Word is by far the most important and eternal. This is so difficult in our culture today. We are tempted to get busy and rush through Bible stories with our children to get to the next thing on our schedule like sports or dance or music or art. Not that any of those things are bad, but we are tempted in every moment to trade eternal for the temporal. God's Word should be honored and treasured. God's Word is worth reading aloud to your children, no matter how old or how young. Why? Because God's promise remains. The Bible tells us of our hope. It is our only Constant. Read the Word. Reread the Word. Meditate. Pray the Word. Sing the Word. Listen to the Word. Memorize the Word. Talk about the Word. Love the Word. Live the Word.

    We learn in John 1:1 that another name for Jesus is The Word. Later in the chapter (John 1:14), we read that "the Word became flesh and dwelled among us." This is God's promise to us- to send THE WORD to dwell among us and to die for us.

Two scenes were unfolded today in our Old and New Testament readings. In the first scene, the Scroll is found, opened, and read. God's Word cut to the heart of the king and there was reform and restoration in the land - but this was only temporary. Israel still disobeys and longs for a King that will redeem, reform, and restore them forever. In the second scene we see a different Scroll waiting to be opened and read. Only the King of Kings is worthy to open and read this Scroll. There is reform and restoration forever (although, you have to read all the way to the end of Revelation to get there)! And the response of all heaven is worship. Why? Because God's promise remains.

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • Here is a fun version of the Holly and the Ivy to listen to. Here is the text. 
  • Some fun cookies that are easy to make and have a little kick to them

Resource Corner

  One of the best ways to treasure the Word and to show your children you treasure the Word is by hearing the Word preached in a local church. It is important for children of all ages to see the value and importance of the Word in our lives by making the effort - even when we don't want to or feel like it - to go to church. There are several resources available if you are looking for ways to better understand and study the Bible yourself. I have used many of these to simply know the Word better so that I may better evangelize and disciple my own children. 

  A great resource and one of my favorites is an organization called The Charles Simeon Trust. I have had family and friends involved in this ministry for years. I firmly believe in what this organization stands for and is committed to. Recently, they have started offering some online courses that are very easy to use and absolutely amazing! I am going through a women's ministry teaching course at the moment, and am really learning and enjoying it. Check out the website and let me know if you have questions. I cannot encourage this enough - this is wonderful tool for you spiritually. 

  Some books that I have found helpful are the the Preach the Word series. The one I linked to is one of my favorites! They are not so deep that you drown, but they will also challenge you and grow you. 

  Another series that I have found even more helpful for me as a lay person is found here. This series walks you through the passage in a way that is wonderful and easy to understand. It helps you know how to approach, prepare, and teach passages. Pictured below is one of my treasured volumes.

  And lastly, another series I will go to is The Bible Speaks TodayPictured below is the first book of Psalms. I have enjoyed this book for many years. It was a gift from my dad back in college, and I have spent many hours pouring over its pages as I studied the Psalms. 

  All this to say that commentaries should NEVER be used in place of the Word and should only be used after you have read and reread and reread and reread and reread the Text for yourself. The reason I love these books above is because I feel like they all help teach me how to approach and read the Text better. That is the whole point. God gave His Word to us so that we could know Him better. In the new year, let's commit to doing that! Hopefully, some of these resources will help. 

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