Sunday, December 11, 2022

Day 11: Bound for the Promised Land

    Ornament:  Trumpet

Scripture Readings:
Genesis 17:7-8
Joshua 1:1-2:21; 6:15-27
Matthew 1:1-6
Hebrews 11:31
Revelations 21:1-3

Verse:   Rev. 21:3 "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man."

Christmas Song: Good Christian Men Rejoice
Hymn: On Jordan's Stormy Banks
Story: Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

  • The Big Picture Story Bible: Going into God's Place (141-157)
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible: The Warrior Leader (108-115)
  • The Biggest Story: Chapter 5 (65-77)
  • The Ology: God is All-Powerful (22--24)
  • The Gospel Story Bible: Jericho Falls (88-89)

   It was time to go to the land God promised to His people, but there were enemies - BIG ones. Israel, as usual, could not do this on their own. God would have to fight for them. And He did! It wasn't the marching or the shouting or the trumpets sounding that made the walls of Jericho fall. It was the power of God. Nothing can stop God from providing for His people. Nothing can keep God from doing what He says He will do. God delights in saving His people. The Israelites must have been so overjoyed to see God work out His purposes through them AND keep ALL of His promises!

  God also worked out His purposes using the most unlikely of people - Rahab. So, confession ... when I was younger, I always thought her name was the "Scarlet Rahab." I think a combination of the game CLUE, the scarlet cord, and that it rhythms with harlot was enough to confuse me. What a gracious God to weave her, the most lowly of women (in her culture) into the beautiful tapestry of His promises. She had faith that God would do what He said He would - that He would keep His promises.

    She became a child of the Promise: the promise that is greater than land flowing with milk and honey. The promise is the same for her as it is for us. God's promise is to return us to a special land, a garden where there is a river as clear as crystal flowing out from the around the throne, and a tree of life, and God Himself will be there. There is no sun, for the Lord will be our light. Christ was born to open heaven's door for us. Christ was born to save! Hallelujah! I am bound for THAT Promised Land! What a marvelous and glorious and mysterious thing Jesus has done for us! What a promise!

    Today's story teaches us that we are helpless to save ourselves. Only God can bring victory and receive glory. It is the same with sin - we cannot save ourselves from eternal death. Only through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross can we be saved. We do not deserve salvation, nor can we earn it. It is only by the power and grace of God through Jesus.

Tidings and Tidbits:
  • We chose to use a trumpet as our ornament today (because I had one), but you could also use a scarlet cord or grapes. 
  • Here is a link for a fun activity with kids
  • Songs: It is so important not only to sing with your children and for them, but also to make sure they are singing with understanding. As you introduce new songs, take time to pick out a big word and broaden their vocabulary, teach them theology, and help them sing with understanding! I usually sing a song (or the part of the song we are working on) 3 times. Each time, I pick out a different word to explain, or a different truth that the song teaches about God. They are never to young to sing these songs of the faith and to be taught what these words say about God. If you have a question about how to explain certain subjects to your children, The Ology is a great resource for introducing some difficult concepts in an understanding way. 

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