Sunday, December 5, 2021

Day 5: Faith and Sacrifice - Promise and Provision


"So Abraham trusted what God said more than what his eyes could see." (JSB 59)

Read: God provides a Lamb
  • Jesus Storybook Bible: The Present (62-69)
  • The Biggest Story: Chapter 3 (44-53)
  • The Gospel Story Bible: Abraham is Tested (28-29)
Sing:Of the Father's Love Begotten
 The Lord will Provide
Think: John 1:29
Pray: Praise and thank God for providing salvation for us through Jesus, the perfect Lamb
Do: Lamb

For you
Genesis 22:1-19
Genesis 26:1-5
John 1:29
James 2:21-23

     Faith, sacrifice, and provision. The story of Abraham and Isaac is one of the most powerful pictures we have of God's provision and even salvation. Because of the difficult content of the story, we are often tempted to gloss over it and not think about it. Honestly, as a parent, this story terrifies me! But even though this story may raise many questions for us to wrestle with, it also gives us the resounding answer to our fallen state: God will provide.  So, instead of dwelling on what I don't understand and know...and my lack of faith, I will focus on what I know to be true about God. God IS the powerful Creator. He IS just and must punish sin. God GOES to great lengths to dwell with His people. God DOES whatever it takes to save His people. God provides.

     Abraham did not argue with or suggest other options to God during this whole scenario. He simply had faith and obeyed. Abraham's words say it all, "God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son" (Gen. 22:8). What faith! Can you imagine the joy when Abraham heard there was a lamb?! I'm pretty sure there was crying and dancing and singing. Abraham believed God even when he couldn't see that lamb. Abraham believed in the promises of God.

Painting by Sarah Buell Dowling
     Sacrifice is a picture we see all throughout the Bible. It is gruesome, and frankly, not something we like talking about. Sacrifices were happening continually in the Old Testament because of sin ... because sin has to be covered. God went to such lengths to save His people that He sent His only Son to be our once for all covering for sin. He was OUR substitute; our Lamb.
   God did not stop the death of His only Son, like He stopped Abraham from killing Isaac. Instead of being rescued from physical death, Christ rescued us. God had to watch His Son die. Instead of embracing His Son with joy as Abraham did, God turned His face away from His Son so that we could be sons.

John 1 talks about how we have the right to be called children of God when we believe in the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us. This is what Advent is all about. This is GRACE in all its fullness. God sent Himself to die when no one else could. Jesus took our place (because we deserved death) when no one else would. We should heartily echo the words of John Newton's text, "we hope to die shouting, the Lord will provide." He has and He always will. If your children hear nothing else from you today, teach them that God always keeps His promises. He provides. He is our salvation. 

Tidings and tidbits:
  • There is no reading from the Big Picture Bible or The Ology today. If you have been using either of those resources, try simply reading the Scripture passage to your child. 
  • Our family enjoys listening to the Messiah and Behold the Lamb. Try pairing a song or two with the readings.
  • By Faith is another appropriate song for today. This song never gets old, especially when teaching your children from the Old Testament. Another one of our favorites (my children know the chorus) is The Lord is My SalvationBoth of these are written by the modern hymn writers, Keith and Kristyn Getty. If you are unfamiliar with them, get to know their texts and music. They are spot on with their philosophy to teach the Gospel to children through music.

Resource Corner

Here's a resource for the moms, dads, and grandparents out there. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a huge fan of John Newton texts. If you are looking for a gift for someone (or yourself), the Olney Hymnal is a great idea. There are a whole bunch of them, but this is one that our family has. His texts are simple, but deep. I have found that my children love them too. Nurture the love of good, Gospel centered texts in the hearts and minds and tongues of your children. 

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