Friday, December 3, 2021

Day 3: From Ark to Advent


God always keeps His promises

For Your Kids

Read: God's Promise to Noah (resources below)
  • Jesus Storybook Bible: A New Beginning (38-47)
  • Big Picture Story Bible: Life Outside the Garden  (51-66)
  • The Biggest Story: Chapter 2 (29-41)
  • The Ology: Sin Spreads like a Disease (68-69)
  • The Gospel Story Bible: God chooses Noah and The Rainbow of God's Promise
  • The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible: Story 3 - God sends a Rainbow
(for more info on this, click this link for when we sang it earlier this year)
Think: Genesis 9:15a "I will remember my covenant."
Pray: Thank God that He always keeps His promises. Thank God that Jesus is better than the ark. He has saved us from sin and death
Do: Rainbow

For You

Genesis 6:5-14
Genesis 7:15-9:17
Matthew 24:36-39

     God keeps His promises. A simply stated truth I often forget. To help me remember, I begin every Bible story time with these words: "Children, the Bible is God's true Word. Every Word of the Bible is true. God always keeps His promises." We have done this day after day for so long now, that they chime along with me as I say these precious words. And I often hear them saying these words on their own as they go about the day or play school and teach one another using these words. One of our favorite songs to sing when talking about the promises of God (By Faith - Getty) can be found here. I recommend teaching the chorus to your children. The last phrase says "we walk by faith and not by sight." We trust God more than what our eyes can see ... but sometimes ... God does give us things we can see to remember truth. Today, that is a rainbow.

 Everyone knows what a rainbow is - from the toughest of men to the smallest of children. So what is it that makes the world stop and marvel at God's perfect artistry? Is it the beauty of knowing a storm is almost ended? Is it having to look through the rain to catch a glimpse of it? When we get lost in life (and for us, 2020) and forget God, creation itself cries out to us that God keeps His promises.  Even during something that might be awful -like a world wide flood...or pandemic - God still keeps His promises. Even in the loss of a relationship, a job, a possession, a reputation, a life ... or just being overwhelmed by the evil of this world - God keeps His promises. God is always on the move to save His people, and God always keeps His promises

     From Ark to Advent - We read yesterday of God giving a promise to Adam and Eve. Today, we read of God giving a promise to Noah...we are already seeing a theme in Scripture of God's promises being given. So, how do we connect the dots for our children...for us? Why does it matter that we learn about the story of the Noahic Covenant (i.e. term for God's promise to Noah). We, like Noah live in a world that is full of sin. God externally cleansed the earth of all its sin and filth, saving Noah's family. This was a picture given to us that points to what God would do in our hearts! God has done something better for us - God kept His promise to save His people through Jesus, the Snake Crusher. God internally cleanses the sin and filth of our hearts by washing us, not with water, but with Jesus' blood! Jesus is the Ark that we could not build ourselves. And just as God gives us the hope of sunshine peeking through the clouds when we see a rainbow, He gives us the living hope of His Son. It is this Son who will one day burst forth in heavenly splendor and be our Forever Light. God, in the fullness of His grace, continues to paint His splendid bow in the clouds for us to see ... and to remember. Aren't you thankful that creation seems to shout so beautifully and yet gently after a storm: God keeps His promises! 

When you see a rainbow, whisper to your children, sing in your hearts, and shout to the world that God always keeps His promises.  He always has, and He always will. Let this be the battle cry of our hearts and our children's hearts: God always keeps His promises. Our Rescuer has come to save us, and He will come again!

by George Mattheson

O Joy that seekest me through pain,
I cannot close my heart to thee;
I trace the rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain,
That morn shall tearless be.

Tidings and tidbits:
  • Remember that this season isn't about doing it all. Don't feel like you have to do every book or activity. This is about being faithful to teach truth to your children. Advent is such a great opportunity. Pick one verse or one book or one truth. 
  • Ornament credit to my oldest for his design and coloring skills. It's not always pretty with kids, but at least it's meaningful!
  • Here is a fun idea for an ornament Christmas exchange you could plan for next year with a church group or friends. These are much prettier than mine are!
  • The Biggest Story hits this day of advent out of the park. Even if you don't read this book to your children, read it for yourself. 
  • If you don't have The Gospel Story Bible yet, invest in it. It does a wonderful job of connecting each story to the rest of Scripture. I love that it uses the actual words from the Bible. I also love that it supplies questions and also has a closing paragraph with each story about connecting the story to Jesus. 

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