Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Day 29: Jesus, the Fulfiller of Promises


The man now saw who Jesus really was, and he believed (BP - 334)
Ornament: Loaves and Fishes

Scripture Readings:
Exodus 4:11
Isaiah 35:1-10
Isaiah 42:1-25
Mark 8:22-25
Matthew 9:1-8
John 11:38-44

Verse:  John 11:25

Christmas Song: As With Gladness Men of Old

Hymn: May the Mind of Christ, My Savior

The Big Picture Story Bible: A Blind Man Sees (323-357)
The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Little Girl and a Poor Frail Lady  (214-221)
The Ology: Jesus is Completely God (112-115)

     My favorite miracles to read to the children are the blind man and Lazarus. The blind man shows us so much of what Jesus has done for us in opening our eyes to see. I also love how this miracle ties us to the Old Testament with only God being able to give sight (Exodus 4:11).

     The story of Lazarus shows us and our children that God has the power to bring life - physically and spiritually. God delights in giving life to His people.

     Jesus is God - God came to us. That is good news! He always keeps His promises

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • There are many miracles and discourses of Jesus that you could read about in the Gospels today if you'd like to substitute. I chose a small sampling. 
  • I had a difficult time choosing what kind of ornament to do today. I thought using a bottle of wine would be funny (symbolizing Jesus' first miracle). You could pick from any number of things to use today. I settled on loaves and fishes. 
  • Two other hymns for today would be Jesus Lover of My Soul and O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

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