Saturday, December 19, 2020

Day 19: God's Promised Presence; God's Everlasting Kingdom


Why do I see four men, completely unbound, walking around in the middle of the fire? (Dan 3:25, The Voice)

Ornament:   Fire

Scripture Readings:
2 Chronicles 36:5-21
Daniel 3:8-30
Hebrews 11:13
1 Peter 3:9-12

Verse:  Daniel 6:26b "for He is the living God, enduring forever; 
His kingdom shall never be destroyed,
and His dominion shall be to the end."

Christmas Song: O Come O Come Emmanuel (instrumental) (text - different from what we sing in America, this text is beautiful and worth reading!)

Hymn: Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise

The Big Picture: God's Promise Remains (198-219)
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Daniel and the Scary Sleepover (152-159)
The Biggest Story: Chapter 6 (79-89)
The Gospel Story Bible: Fiery Furnace and Daniel
The Ology:  God Always was and Always will be (13-15)

     God's people have not listened to or obeyed His good Word. So, as Adam and Eve had to leave the garden, God's people had to leave God's place for them. Sin soils everything. But just like He did in the garden, God gives His people hope - even when His people feel hopeless. God never leaves His people - even when they leave Him. God still keeps His promises - no matter where His people are. God does not change - even though people change. God ALWAYS provides for His people - even when it seems like the situation is impossible. All other kingdoms rise and fall - but God's kingdom endures forever!

     God shows over and over again that He has not left His people and that He has a plan and purpose for His people, even though they have had to leave God's place. In fact, God uses His people IN captivity. One of the most important things to remember when reading all of these stories is that God's kingdom endures forever. So when we feel like we aren't where we belong (which we aren't), and when we feel persecuted (which we should be), we too can remember that God's kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. Our hope is much stronger and deeper because it is anchored in Jesus. He has come to lead us back to God's place - forever! God always has and God always will provide for His people. As always, this story isn't about 3 guys who stood up for what was right, or about Daniel who prayed, or about lions, or about the king, or about a really hot fire. This story is about God being the Hero. Every story points to Him.

  Tidings and Tidbits:
  • Read the story of Daniel in the lion's den (Daniel 6) or Esther. 
  • Make sure to read The Biggest Story today if you have it. 
  • Only 6 days until Christmas!!! 

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