Monday, August 31, 2020

The King of Creation: Our health and Salvation


Verse: Psalm 89:8
Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty


    No list of hymns about praise would miss Praise to the Lord! This is another Poppe household favorite. I think we sing it about every day.

                                                                  Fun Facts

Text: Joachim Neander (1650-1680)
  • Came from a long line of pastors in his family
  • He died of tuberculosis. While ill, he wrote "O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!" What a testimony!
  • A valley along the Rhine River inspired his poetry
  • Translated by Catherine Winkworth

Tune: LOBE DEN HERREN Emeuerten Gesangbuch, 1665
  • Neander chose a tune from a book of songs, Erneuerten Gesangbuch of 1665, and adapted it for the text. 
  • This tune was used by J.S. Bach in his Cantatas 57 and 137

A picture from Neander Valley

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

    Things to think about ...
    • by singing this hymn, you are teaching your children to declare what is important. We were created in God's image to praise and glorify Him! 
    • Singing praise to God forces us to take our eyes off ourselves and to "ponder anew" all that God has done for us. 
    • Read some Psalms of praise with your children this week. 
    • Ask you children to thank God for one thing He has done each day

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