Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Safe with our Father: Week 28

Verse: 1 John 3:1
Hymn: Children of the Heavenly Father

            I remember learning this hymn at my children's choir at church growing up. I am so thankful that my mom and so many teachers worked with me on memorizing because now, I can recall all these truths to mind. It's hard to keep a routine in the summer (believe, me - I am in the middle of a move, so I know!), but make sure you are setting aside time each day to sing. Right now, we sing at lunch and after our Bible story time each morning. Of course, some of the best times to sing are those unplanned moments.
          As a side note, I always love seeing how many women in church history have written hymns for children. Even if you are not writing new hymns for your children to sing, think of the eternal impact you are having on them by being faithful to teach them eternal truths through song. God uses us to evangelize and disciple young souls - humbling and awesome.

                                                                  Fun Facts

Text: Carolina Berg (1832-1903)
  • She was called the "Fanny Crosby" of Sweden
  • This is one of her most well-loved hymns and one of the most well-loved hymns in all of Sweden
  • She was a pastor's daughter
  • Started writing about her love for God and faith in Him after miraculously recovering from an illness
  • She published her first book of poems when she was 16

Tune: Oscar Ahnfelt (1813-182) TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA
  • The tune name is translated: safer no one can be
  • He was known as the Swedish troubadour
  • He wrote melodies for all of Carolina's hymns
  • This hymn was made famous by singer Jenny Lind when she toured America. 

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

    Things to think about ...
    • Show your children a map of the world and where Sweden is. It is important for them to get a glimpse of the universal church
    • In spite of the sadness and tragedy in her life, Carolina found comfort in her heavenly Father. You may want to tell your older children that she watched her father drown. Even though she was so sad, God was her comfort, and God is our comfort too. He cares about us. 
    • She clearly trusted God - "neither life nor death shall ever from the Lord His children sever." Explain how we too can trust in our Heavenly Father. Both the good and bad that we experience in this life cannot separate us from our loving Father.
    • Define what "sever" means
    • God's goal in all this is to "preserve us pure and holy." What wonderful truths to teach our children. 

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