Monday, May 25, 2020

Beneath the Cross of Jesus

Verse: Isaiah 32:2
Hymn: Beneath the Cross of Jesus


     We are continuing to sing about Jesus as our Savior. This text is sung to tunes old and new. Our hymnal chooses an older tune that I prefer simply because I think it matches the weightiness of the text better. I have used images from Truth for Life today. This is a wonderful resource for listening and learning more about the Word of God. Please check out their website and app for more information.

    Another great text on this subject is by Keith and Kristyn Getty. You can find the lyrics and recording here.

                                                                  Fun Facts

Text: Elizabeth Cecelia Douglas Clephene (1830-1869)
  • She grew up in Scotland 
  • her hymn is richly grounded in Biblical imagery (Isaiah 32:2, Jeremiah 9:2, Isaiah 28:12, Isaiah 4:6, Matthew 11:30)
  • This hymn was not published until after her death
Tune: Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927)  ST. CHRISTOPHER
  • Spent his entire life in Bristol, England as a church musician
  • The tune is named after a third-century martyr.

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

    Things to think about ...
    • the word, "fain," means happily or gladly. Picture yourself at the foot of the cross - a gruesome place. Why are we happy or glad to be there? - this is a good thing to talk about with your children.
    • the instrument of torture and death (a cross) becomes a mighty rock where the weary can stand,  sinners can find forgiveness, broken can find healing
    • Another contrast is the wonders and height of Christ's love for us and the depth of our unworthiness. 
    • This is a beautiful text and would be a good one to teach all stanzas to your family.

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