Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Our King of Love: Our Good Shepherd

Verse: Psalm 23:1,6
Hymn: The King of Love My Shepherd Is

   There are many tunes to this text, but this week, we will sing the traditional Irish melody. Psalm 23 is a wonderful text that has blessed millions throughout all generations. This Psalm is the first that all my children have memorized. It is a wonderful thing to set the words of the Bible to music. Music is an amazing tool and gift from God. There have been many times in my life that I have been in difficulty or discouragement, but God allowed me to remember the words of His Word in song. This is one of the reasons singing these wonderful texts is so important -  so that you and your little ones can remember God's Words when you can't find the strength to remember God's promises. 

Fun Facts

Text: Henry W. Baker (1821-1877)
  • credited with writing 33 published hymns
  • he published a hymnal in 1861 called Hymns Ancient and Modern which became the Anglican standard for years. 

Tune: Traditional Irish Melody St Columba
  • Columba was an Irish Christian in the 6th century who took Christianity to Scotland
  • George Petrie collected ancient Irish music and appeared in a collection of Irish Music

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

    Things to think about ...
    • this text is a paraphrase of Psalm 23 - a paraphrase is to put it in your own words like retelling a story. Read Psalm 23 with your children every day this week and see if you can have them paraphrase or retell what each verse is talking about. You could focus on one verse a day.
    • If you haven't memorized this Psalm with your children, start this week. 
    • meditate on the goodness of Jesus - the first and last stanza tell us about His never failing goodness. All friends and things will fail us, but Jesus never will
    • How is Jesus good? Stanza 2-5 list ways that He is good. Have your children give you examples of God's goodness to them.
    • Verdant - means green
    • Celestial food - food from heaven
    • Vale - old word for valley
    • Unction - refers to the act of anointing
    • Stanza 4 has a New Testament reference and points to how Jesus is our good and perfect Shepherd (John 10). 

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