Monday, March 23, 2020

Sing of God's provision and promises

Verse: Psalm 47:9 

The hymn for this week is probably not so well known, but it is one that you should learn! The text is beautifully written and God-focused. As you read the poetry, you sense the eternality of God and His ability to keep His promises. This has always been one of my favorites to sing as a lullaby to my children. As I think about how God kept His promises to Abraham, I remember all the times and ways that I don't and can't keep my promises, but that God does keep His promises to me and the He WILL keep His promises to my children. 

This hymn is so important to share with our children because we want to teach them that we are declaring our praise to the same God of Abraham - the God who never changes - the God who always keeps His promises. In these times of uncertainty, we can sing of the God who is certain - forever and always. When it seems like our world is crumbling, schools are closing, and jobs are stopping SING the truth that God is the great Provider. 

The entire text is wonderful, but just start with the first verse. If you can, read the text to your children every day. 

Fun Facts

Text: Thomas Olivers (1725-1799)
  • he was greatly influenced by preacher, George Whitfield and the Wesley brothers. 
  • he went to a Jewish service and heard a famous singer, Leoni, sing a melody in a minor key. He determined to write a hymn for this melody. He took an ancient Hebrew doxology (Yigdal) and gave it a more Christian bent. 
  • This poem originally had 12 verses

Tune: Synagogue Melody LEONI arranged by Meyer Lyon around 1770

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

    Things to think about ...
    • You address God with His unique name in this hymn - I AM (Exodus 3:14). He has always existed. He was not created, rather, He is the Creator!
    • God's eternal nature is a focus throughout the stanzas
    • God is above and beyond time, but He has come to dwell with us. Because of this, we will sing His praises forever

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