Sunday, January 5, 2020

Singing the Word: Hymns for the month and year

"Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty Who was and is and is to come." Revelation 4:8

    We are a few days into the new year, and it's time to start singing again. I hope that you will join my family as we practice the discipline of singing praise to our great God. 

    I have several options/ideas for you to consider for your family this year:

1. Hymn of the Month
  • This would be working on one hymn in its entirety for a month
  • I would suggest this option if you have very young children, or if you'd like a slower pace
  • Make a list of 12 hymns that you'd like to know by the end of the year: If you'd like some lists to choose from, I will be posting some ideas
  • If you do not own a hymnal, you can go to a website like which is very helpful and easy to use
2. Hymn of the Week
  • This is generally what my family has done over the past few years and has worked well
  • Your family is exposed to many more hymns but probably won't learn the hymns in their entirety. I chose this option because I wanted a lot of exposure for my children to give them the most ownership in church (being able to sing a little of a lot of our songlist). 
3. Hymn of the Day
  • I'd recommend this for adults or those with older children. You could sing a hymn each night at supper or before bed. 
  • This is a great way to actually sing through an entire hymnal in a year. 
4. Make a plan of your own
  • The most important thing is to make the spiritual discipline of singing a part of your every day life. Make a plan that fits with your family and stick to it. Maybe you want to memorize 25 hymns, 50 hymns, or 75 hymns.
  • Keith and Kristyn Getty are posting a monthly hymn on Facebook that they are memorizing with their girls. If you'd like to sing what they are, follow them on Facebook

I always like to start off the year with this hymn. My 18 month old is beginning to fill in the blanks and can see "Holy" each time we do. 

Verse:  Revelation 4:8
Activity: Trinity Craft   *there are so many things that you can find to do on Pinterest. Check there for ideas.

Holy Holy Holy is a hymn well loved for many years. This is one of the best ones to teach to your children. It is full of doctrine for their hearts.

If you are doing this as a family in the evenings or at the supper table, consider reading Revelation 4. There are MANY hymns in the book of Revelation. It is important for our children to know that what we sing is grounded in Scripture. 

Please visit my friend's site to look at her amazing work!

I would suggest singing at least the first stanza every day - if you have it memorized, try to sing it while you play or prepare a meal or drive somewhere. 

If this hymn is already familiar to you, go ahead and teach your children the other stanzas. I have found that I don't need to "teach" the words to my children. Usually, they just need to hear me sing it for a couple of days, and they join in. 

Fun Facts

Text: Reginald Heber (1783-1826) - pastor, missionary, poet, lover of God's Word.

  • check out Hymns Written and Adapted to the Weekly Service of the Church Year.

Tune NICAEA: John B. Dykes (1823-1876)

  • Written in 30 minutes
  • Named after the Nicene Creed which affirmed the doctrine of the Trinity

    Things to think about ...

  • Have your children count the "three's"
  1. Holy Holy Holy (Trinity)
  2. Lord, God, Almighty (names)
  3. Saints, cherubim, seraphim (three worshippers)
  4. Earth, Sky, Sea (places)
  5. Power, Love, Purity (Qualities)
  6. Wert, Art, Evermore (past, present, future)
  • Before you sing, define one of the words to your children so they sin with understanding and ask them throughout the week what these words mean. 

    In Addition

You may also sing these two this week:
      Holy God, We Praise Your Name and Come, Thou Almighty King

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