Monday, January 27, 2020

God is King: Rejoice! Singing through 2020 week 4

Verse:  Psalm 149:1-2

This week, we begin singing specifically that God is our King. No matter our political affiliation, we would all do well to remember that God is the King of Kings. He reigns over all. His kingdom will never be destroyed. His reign will never end. No matter what happens on this planet or in my country, I am thankful that I know the King of Kings and that He is in complete control and using all kinds of rulers and leaders to showcase His amazing glory. So no matter what our hopes or disappointments might be for the next few years for our country, teach your children to sing and rejoice in our Sure Hope...our perfect Leader! I can think of no better legacy for you to leave them and no greater peace, joy, and hope to pass on in which they can rest. 

If you already know the first stanza, just review it and challenge yourself and your children to learn the rest of the stanzas. My oldest son loves this hymn. I often hear him humming it while he builds legos. It is such an encouragement to hear such good truths coming from their tongues - it is a good sign that it is in their hearts too. 

Fun Facts

Text: Charles Wesley (1707-1788)

  • Charles lived in England under a king and was persecuted for his religious movement (the Methodist movement). He wrote to encourage believers to persevere in hardship.  This particular hymn reminded them who the eternal King is and to sing His praises. 
Tune: DARWALL by John Darwall (1731-1789)

  • he was an English pastor, poet, and composer

Remember to order you copy of the hymnal we are singing through if you still need a hymnal!

    Things to think about ...
    •      The melody soars upward, causing us to remember to lift up our eyes to the One Who reigns
    • Remember to finish up Holy Holy Holy if you are just doing a hymn of the month! 


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