Monday, December 31, 2018

Singing through a hymnal: week 1

"Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty Who was and is and is to come." Revelation 4:8

Verse:  Revelation 4:8
Activity: Trinity Craft   *there are so many things that you can find to do on Pinterest. Check there for ideas.

Holy Holy Holy is a hymn well loved for many years. This is one of the best ones to teach to your children. It is full of doctrine for their hearts.

If you are doing this as a family in the evenings or at the supper table, consider reading Revelation 4. There are MANY hymns in the book of Revelation. It is important for our children to know that what we sing is grounded in Scripture. 

Please visit my friend's site to look at her amazing work!

I would suggest singing at least the first stanza every day - if you have it memorized, try to sing it while you play or prepare a meal or drive somewhere. 

If this hymn is already familiar to you, go ahead and teach your children the other stanzas. I have found that I don't need to "teach" the words to my children. Usually, they just need to hear me sing it for a couple of days, and they join in. 

Fun Facts

Text: Reginald Heber (1783-1826) - pastor, missionary, poet, lover of God's Word.

  • check out Hymns Written and Adapted to the Weekly Service of the Church Year.

Tune NICAEA: John B. Dykes (1823-1876)

  • Written in 30 minutes
  • Named after the Nicene Creed which affirmed the doctrine of the Trinity

    Here is what I do for song time:

          Sing a song that has to do with our Bible story. 
          Let each of the children pick a song 
          New song
          Favorite song or two... or three or four

    We sometimes clap or do motions to engage the children. Even if they don't sing, I promise they are learning the songs. It is so important to be faithful. You can obviously also sing throughout the day or listen them in the car. I just want to make sure we have a dedicated time each day to sing to the Lord!
    I hope that teaching your children truths in song is something that you will commit to do this year! And I hope that if you don't have children, that this is also something you will commit to do.

    NEW SONG - for the new song. There are a few things you could do. 
    1. I know some families choose to sing one hymn each day (basically just sing their way through a hymnal). I think this is a great idea. 
    2. I try to pick 1-2 hymns each week. The way the hymnal above is laid out, that means I can make it through the hymnal in a year. If your older children can read, print out or let them share the text with you.
    3. Another thing you could do is see if you can get your church bulletin or song list early so you can practice with your children. This way, they can participate in the service with you. 
    Whatever you choose to do, pray that God would help you focus on the truths of the songs and that your children would see the Gospel.  I don't put a time limit on our singing time. Some days, my children want to sing many songs - I don't stop them. I want them to love singing to the Lord. Some days, it is a struggle, but I still sing. I want them to see and hear their mom singing to the Lord on good days and bad days... when I feel like it and when I don't - because God is WORTHY of our praise. This shouldn't take any preparation or much organization. Just pick up a hymnal in your home or order one and commit to sing with your child/family each day! Start small and be joyful!

        Things to think about ...

    • count the "three's"
    1. Holy Holy Holy (Trinity)
    2. Lord, God, Almighty (names)
    3. Saints, cherubim, seraphim (three worshippers)
    4. Earth, Sky, Sea (places)
    5. Power, Love, Purity (Qualities)
    6. Wert, Art, Evermore (past, present, future)
    • Before you sing, define one of the words to your children so they sin with understanding and ask them throughout the week what these words mean. 

        In Addition

    You may also sing these two this week:
          Holy God, We Praise Your Name and Come, Thou Almighty King

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